Tuesday, March 5, 2013

What makes your heart sing? by Sarah Anfora

"What makes your soul sing?"
"Does it feel like something is missing?"
"If you could pick one thing to do for the rest of your life, what would it be?"

These are all questions that I only ever asked myself in the privacy of my bedroom without any belief that the answers could become a reality.  Then, I started crafting a Dharma statement; trying to figure out my purpose in this life.  Using yoga, journaling, vision boarding, visualization, and LOTS of inspirational material, I was able to craft the following:

"My purpose in this life is to guide the awakening of the soul by using inspiring material; encouraging and allowing the growth and creativity of the Self in others."

I am young, so I have plenty of time to keep building upon this statement, but it has allowed me to decide what types of people I want in my life and the activities I want to be a part of.  I have such varied interests and am proud of each one: acting, singing, yoga, painting, education, dancing.  Should I limit myself to telling people that I am just one of those things?  No!  Of course not!  I am finding ways to combine all of those interests and that starts with my dharma.

Once I crafted a Dharma statement, and started doing the work, so many doors opened for me!  I made a scary decision of leaving an old job and starting a new one.  I moved out of my mother's house.  I was receiving calls from many theater companies because they heard of my work.  I finished my 200hr Yoga Teacher Certification and started my 500hr at Kripalu.  I started my own LLC.  I became an Equity Membership Candidate......and lots more that I can't even think of!  

By no means do I have it all figured out, but I have a plan now.  I am able to craft goals that are aligned with my dharma.  Having a plan has provided me with the confidence that I need when opportunities arise.  I'm feeling more fulfilled these days and all of this has made me so excited to see what else life has in store for me!

Sarah Anfora teaches Flow 1 Wednesdays at 9:30am and Bhakti Basic Sundays at 10:00am.

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